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Kings Seeds Discount Scheme

PEAS are part of the Kings Seeds Discount Scheme which allows plot holders to buy seeds at a very generous 40% discount.


2025 Catalogues are available now - collect from the plastic box at the top of plot 23B.

Bring completed order forms to plot 23B between 10 and 12 on the mornings of Sunday October 13th and 20th to pay by cash or cheque, or post to Pat Borrill, 12 Dennett Close, Woodloes Park, Warwick, CV34 5HF (cheque only) to arrive no later that Friday 25th October.


How the scheme works

When seed catalogues arrive, usually in late summer, notices will be placed on the Site Noticeboards and on this website.  Catalogues will be available to borrow from a plastic box at the top of plot 23B, on a self-service collect/return basis. Record your name, plot number, catalogue number and date on the loan sheet in the box.  There will be a limited number of catalogues to share so please return within a week or so.


An order form will be found in each catalogue, and must be delivered by hand to the Seed Secretary.  Payment must be by personal cheque made payable to the Seed Secretary, (Pat Borrill), or by cash contained in a plastic bag, and must accompany the order form.  The Seed Secretary will issue a receipt and will send all orders to the seed company. 


Many thanks: 

Pat Borrill

Plot 23B

Seed Secretary 

Important Message to all Plotholders

Pease click here to read a message from the chairman about water usage and conservation.

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